News - 16/02/2017

Transforming Big Data into Personalized Experiences

Companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix have grown exponentially transforming user-generated data into personalized experiences. Today, many organizations like BBVA are using a similar approach with a better understanding of their customers and their expectations. In a recent CON.VERGE event, Marco Bressan, President of BBVA Data & Analytics explained how BBVA embarked into that journey. In an informal chat with Guibert Englebienne CTO & Co-Founder at Globant he covered aspects of transforming a bank into a data-driven business including:

  • How BBVA is leveraging value from data
  • Where data can really support customer experiences
  • Challenges that people underestimate and overestimate when exploiting data
  • His own experience with changing culture about analytics
  • Sharing the contributions of BBVA Data & Analytics to build a data driven business

Here is the full interview: